Saturday, October 20, 2007

Catching up - October Version

October has been unseasonably warm, but that hasn't stopped us from doing some Fall decorating. I made a wreath for our door and we bought fake pumpkins!

Pandora likes to play and drink in the bathtub. Nick took a video of her. Apparently, she likes to watch her own home movies.

So, the couch that we got from Adam and Jessica - definitely a bit too big to fit down the stairs to the basement. Let's just say, 3 holes in the walls, a car jack, an hour of kicking, and two very happy boys once it was done. Thanks for all the help Shaun! Luckily, Nick will get very good at repairing drywall.

Um. Uh... Yeah.

And some other random outside pics

Catching up - September version

Okay. So it's been about a month since our last post. Apologies!

Lot's of stuff has been going on, so here's a bunch of photos and a quick recap.

My friend Jessica's dad got an awesome job a Google and moved to California. This is his going away party.

Jessica also had a baby shower for Peabert. I designed the cake and had it made! (Yeah, I'm a little behind on the posts, because Chase Harper was born yesterday morning - Congrats Jessica & Adam!)

The same night as Jessica's shower, Nick and I took a Thai cooking class. We had lots of fun and ate all the food before I remembered I brough the camera. Oops.

Our friend Amy got married, too! There are more pictures to come (thank goodness, because I look like I ate a bug), but have yet to arrive. It was a great time with lots of amazing music, food, friends & open bar. We are posing with our friend Kara. Her baby is due in less than 2 weeks and I can't wait to meet her!