Friday, September 21, 2007


So, as we've been unpacking, all the stuff that needs to go to Goodwill, be sold or be stored has been hapharzadly thrown in the basement. This past weekend came the time to clean it up.
My friends Jessica & Adam were getting rid of thier couch and offered it to us. This one is much more comfy than the last one we had (also a donation from Jessi & Adam). We all decided that the previous couch should be donated to Jessica & Adam's church. So, in order to get the couch out of the basement and the new one down there, massive cleaning had to be done. This picture was taken about half way through, once my alergy attack started (if that's any indication of how messy it was before). So scary.

Rose's Blog

So I went to DSW with Nick to find black shoes for my friend Amy's wedding. Instead, Nick found both of these, which I just love! So I thought I'd share my new shoes.

Pandora did not want me to take pictures of the shoes. She wanted to be the center of attention, so most of the photos have her blurry face in them. Here's one I meant to take of her. Nick likes this one, so I'm posting it.

And some artsy photos I took the same day...

(Thanks Mom for the shells!)

Yard sale treasures.

My new tube receiver from 1960. Fisher 800, best receiver you could buy for years.

Since it sort of half-way works, I have to operate on it and perform some standard mods to keep me rocking and to keep it from burning the house down. I have new internet friends that told me what to do to it. Those brown things are bad, and there's a silver thing that needs replaced, and that big black can is leaking. After those are fixed it will sound great, providing I am not electrocuted.

My new bad-ass basement chandelier. $5 and a "swag" light kit with gold chain.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


That's right. Own a house and now we have to fill it with toys. We had a tiny one (see S'mores pic from the very first blog) that Nick had to bend over to use, but it broke. So, we went through half the summer with no grill - a huge problem. Here are the pics I managed to take of Nick figuring out the drill and instructions before I pitched in for the assembly. Yeah... by the time it was complete and cleaned up, we just wanted to go inside (away from mosquitos). So, hopefully there will be a "finished" grill picture to come.

Yard Blog


5" slug

1 sunflower, next year we'll try for 2

total hoser

WTF?!? ...our bunnies are of course, evil. We thought we would starve out the evil bunnies by letting all the grass die. It didn't work, they just got smaller and eviler, and now the yard looks like crap.

Cafe DaVinci (Florida Cont.)


Nick, Alaina & Rose

Cook Trio on Break

Thursday, September 6, 2007


We went to FLA to visit the famfam. We both had a really great time relaxing, seeing family and friends. I even got to see my family before we left to come back to B-more. Miss everyone!
Enjoy the photos. :)

Eric's 30th B-day cake

Gavin & Logan

Nick & TJ eating some flan

Gary & TJ

Nick and TJ flew some kites. TJ had his kite on a fishing pole, which actually works!

Shooting cans in the back yard.

The koi pond in Susan & Gary's beautiful Florida garden

Photos of us at Cafe Da Vinci (at The Cook Trio show) to come.